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Kacy & Clayton's The Siren's Song was produced by Wilco’s Jeff Tweedy and recorded by Tom Schick at Wilco’s The Loft in Chicago, IL. The 9-song set is the follow up to their acclaimed 2015 New West Records debut Strange Country, and for the first time incorporates full, electric band arrangements. Their sound is an arresting amalgamation of psychedelic folk, English folk revival, and the ancestral music of Southern Appalachia. Now rounded out by Mike Silverman on drums & percussion and Shuyler Jansen on bass, The Siren’s Song encompasses the duo's 60’s and 70’s Folk and Traditional Country influences, but also introduces a new emphasis on groove.

"...the front-runner as the year's best album in the Canadian-British-Americana country-folk category."- Associated Press

"With Wilco's Jeff Tweedy in the producer's chair, the cousins' bedroom folk was given the full-band treatment, transformed into something bordering on rock music." - Rolling Stone Country

"...some of the freshest sounding folk/country rock that’s been heard in quite a long time."
- Vancouver Sun

“...delivers endless melody and effortless cool....” - AllMusic

"Continuing to explore the vast waters of country, folk, and psychedelia, The Siren’s Song is another monumental leap forward for Kacy & Clayton. With a discography that already belies their young age, the future is exceptionally bright for Canada’s finest forward-looking traditionalists." - Aquarium Drunkard

"A heavenly blend of Clayton Linthicum’s trippy guitar melodies with Kacy Anderson’s haunting, filigree vocals are grounded with lyrics about youthful angst and the struggle to know yourself." - No Depression

"The Siren's Song is another compelling chapter in what looks increasingly likely to be the long story of Kacy & Clayton's career." - Exclaim! (8/10 stars)

“Clayton Linthicum causes the same maddening ecstasy as a guitar player that his second cousin Kacy Anderson does as a singer, his wild spontaneity bursting against her eerie stoicism.” - The Milk Carton Kids

tour dates



Carmen Gill – balanceyxe@gmail.com

Booking (U.S): High Road Touring

Frank Riley – frank@highroadtouring.com

Booking (CAN): Paquin Entertainment

Todd Jordan – todd@paquinartistsagency.com

Booking (UK/Europe): Sedate Bookings

Jair Hoogland – jair@sedate-bookings.com

Radio: New West Records

Joel Habbeshaw – joel@newwestrecords.com

Press (Worldwide): New West Records

Brady Brock – bradybrock@newwestrecords.com

Press (CAN): Nice Marmot PR

Mavis Harris – mavis@nicemarmotpr.com

Press (UK/Europe): But I Like You PR

Lucy Hurst – lucy@butilikeyou.co.uk